CGO2SArcCreate | Helper class to create arc |
CGO2SCalcUtil | Computation utilities |
CGO2SChamferCreate | Helper class to create chamfers |
CGO2SCircleCreate | Helper class to create circles |
CGO2SDialogUtil | Helper containing utility methods for dialog |
CGO2SEllipseCreate | Helper class to create ellipse |
CGO2SEnum | Base class for enums |
CGO2SExcelFile | Class to manage excel files |
▼CGO2SFile | Base class for managing files |
▼CGO2SAsciiFile | Class to manage Ascii files |
CGO2SCsvFile | Class that manage CSV files |
CGO2SXmlFile | Class to manage XML files |
CGO2SFileUtil | Class of utilitary methods for files |
CGO2SFilletCreate | Helper class to create fillet |
▼CGO2SGeometry | Base class for all kind of geometry (solid or wireframe) |
▼CGO2SSolidGeometry | Intermediate class for solid geometry |
CGO2SStock | Stock object |
▼CT_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool > | Template class for Solid and mesh geometry |
CGO2SMesh | Class managing mesh geometry |
CGO2SSolid | Class managing solid (BRep) geometry |
▼CGO2SWireGeometry | Intermediate class for all wire geometry |
▼CGO2SMultipleGeometry | Intermediate class for all multiple wire geometry (rectangle, profile...) |
CGO2SOblong | Oblong object |
CGO2SOffsetCurve | Offset curve object |
CGO2SPolygon | Polygon object |
CGO2SProfile | Profile object |
CGO2SRectangle | Rectangle object |
CGO2SText | Text object |
CGO2SWireFeature | Wire Feature management |
▼CGO2SSimpleGeometry | Intermediate class for simple wire geometry (segment, arc, circle line, nurbs...) |
CGO2SArc | Arc object |
CGO2SChamfer | Chamfer object |
CGO2SCircle | Circle object |
CGO2SEllipse | Ellipse object |
CGO2SFillet | Fillet objet |
CGO2SHelix | Helix object |
CGO2SHole | Hole object |
CGO2SLine | Line object |
CGO2SNurbs | Nurbs object |
CGO2SPoint | Point object |
CGO2SPolyline | Polyline object |
CGO2SSegment | Segment object |
CGO2SGeometryUtil | Class for utilitary methods of geometric entities |
CGO2SHelixCreate | Helper class to create helix |
CGO2SHoleCreate | Helper class to create hole |
CGO2SIniFile | Class for managing ini files |
CGO2SInteract | Class to manage interactivity with GO2cam |
CGO2SInterfaceUtil | Import management class |
CGO2SIntersect | Intersections computation |
CGO2SLineCreate | Helper class to create lines |
▼CGO2SMachining | Base class for all machining object |
▼CGO2SCycleBase | Base class for machining cycle and techno functions |
CGO2SCycle | Class to manage machining cycle |
CGO2STechnoFunc | Class to manage techno functions / sub program call |
CGO2SMachine | Class to manage machining machine |
CGO2STool | Class to manage machining tool |
CGO2SMachiningUtil | Class of machining utility methodes |
CGO2SMatrix | Class for the 4x4 matrix |
CGO2SMeshCreate | Helper class to create Mesh |
CGO2SNurbsCreate | Helper class to create nurbs |
CGO2SOblongCreate | Helper class to create oblong |
CGO2SOffsetCurveCreate | Helper class to create OffsetCurve |
CGO2SOpelist | Class for opelist management |
CGO2SOpelistUtil | Class to manage operations on opelist |
CGO2SPlane | Plane shape management |
CGO2SPlaneCreate | Helper class to manage Plane creation |
CGO2SPointCreate | Helper to create points |
CGO2SPolygonCreate | Helper class to create polygons |
CGO2SPolylineCreate | Helper class to create polyline |
CGO2SProfileCreate | Helper class to create profiles |
CGO2SRectangleCreate | Helper class to create rectangle |
▼CGO2SReference | Creation of a geometry reference |
CGO2SEdge | Class representing a single edge of a solid geometry |
CGO2SFace | Class representing a single face of a solid geometry |
CGO2SXYZ | Creation of a coordinate reference |
CGO2SSegmentCreate | Helper class to create segment |
CGO2SSolidCreate | Helper class to create solid |
CGO2SStockCreate | Helper class to manage stock |
CGO2STechnoFuncCreate | Helper class to create techno function cycle |
CGO2SUtil | Class of utility functions |