GO2cam Javascript API  6.11
GO2SMeshCreate Class Reference

Helper class to create Mesh. More...

Inherits QObject.

Static Public Member Functions

static GO2SMesh Cuboid (GO2SXYZ Org, GO2SXYZ ptX, GO2SXYZ ptY, Number h)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateCuboid.
static GO2SMesh Cylinder (GO2SXYZ center, Number radius, Number height)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateCylinder.
static GO2SMesh Extrusion (GO2SProfile profile, GO2SXYZ direction, Number height)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateExtrusion.
static GO2SMesh MultiExtrusion (Array< GO2SProfile > profiles, GO2SXYZ direction, Number height)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateMultiExtrusion.
static GO2SMesh MultiRevolution (Array< GO2SProfile > profiles, GO2SXYZ axis, Number angle, Boolean surfacic)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateMultiRevolution.
static GO2SMesh Revolution (GO2SProfile profile, GO2SXYZ axis, Number angle, Boolean surfacic)
 See GO2SMesh.CreateRevolution.

Detailed Description

Helper class to create Mesh.