GO2cam Javascript API  6.11
T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool > Class Template Reference

Template class for Solid and mesh geometry. More...

Inheritance diagram for T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >:
GO2SSolidGeometry GO2SGeometry GO2SMesh GO2SSolid

Public Member Functions

GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateCuboid (GO2SXYZ Org, GO2SXYZ ptX, GO2SXYZ ptY, Number h)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateCylinder (GO2SXYZ center, Number radius, Number height)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateExtrusion (GO2SProfile profile, GO2SXYZ direction, Number height, Number taperAngle, Boolean surfacic)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateMultiExtrusion (Array< GO2SProfile > profiles, GO2SXYZ direction, Number height, Number taperAngle, Boolean surfacic)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateMultiRevolution (Array< GO2SProfile > profiles, GO2SXYZ axis, Number angle, Boolean surfacic)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError CreateRevolution (GO2SProfile profile, GO2SXYZ axis, Number angle, Boolean surfacic)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GO2SSolidGeometry
Number GetSurface ()
Number GetVolume ()
GO2SMesh ToMesh (Number tol=0.1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GO2SGeometry
GO2SEnum::GO2SError ChangePlane (Number plane)
GO2SGeometry Copy ()
GO2SEnum::GO2SError Delete ()
Array< GO2SXYZDiscretize (Number accuracy=0.01)
Boolean Equals (GO2SGeometry other)
Array< GO2SXYZGetBoundingBox ()
Number GetColor ()
Array< GO2SEnum::GO2SParamGetEditableParams ()
Number GetLayer ()
Number GetLineType ()
Number GetLineWidth ()
String GetName ()
Number GetParam (GO2SEnum::GO2SParam param)
GO2SGeometry GetParent ()
Number GetPlane ()
GO2SXYZ GetPosition ()
Boolean IsCircular ()
Boolean IsLinear ()
Boolean IsParamEditable (GO2SEnum::GO2SParam param)
Boolean IsPoint ()
Boolean IsPositionEditable ()
Boolean IsSolid ()
Boolean IsValid ()
Boolean IsVisible ()
Boolean IsWireframe ()
GO2SGeometry Rotated (GO2SXYZ xyz, Number angle, Boolean xyzDir)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetColor (Number color)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetLayer (Number layer)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetLineType (ELineType type)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetLineWidth (Number width)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetName (String p1)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetParam (GO2SEnum::GO2SParam param, Number value)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetPlane (Number plane)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetPolarPosition (Number radius, Number angle, Number altitude=0)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetPosition (GO2SXYZpos)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetPosition (Number x, Number y, Number z)
GO2SEnum::GO2SError SetVisible (Boolean visibility)
String toString ()
GO2SEnum::GO2SError Transform (GO2SMatrix matrix)
GO2SGeometry Transformed (GO2SMatrix matrix)
GO2SGeometry Translated (GO2SXYZ origin, GO2SXYZ p)

Detailed Description

template<class TShape, class TExtrusion, class TRevol, class TBool>
class T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >

Template class for Solid and mesh geometry.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateCuboid()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateCuboid ( GO2SXYZ Org,
Number h )

Create a cuboid shape

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]Orga bottom corner of the cuboid shape
[in]ptXa point defining the length of the cuboid basis
[in]ptYa point defining the with of the cuboid basis
[in]hthe height of the cuboid

◆ CreateCylinder()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateCylinder ( GO2SXYZ center,
Number radius,
Number height )

Create a cylinder shape

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]centerthe center of the basis of the cylinder (bottom face)
[in]radiusthe radius of the cylinder
[in]heightthe height of the cylinder

◆ CreateExtrusion()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateExtrusion ( GO2SProfile profile,
GO2SXYZ direction,
Number height,
Number taperAngle,
Boolean surfacic )

Create an extrusion from a profile

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]profilethe profile to extrude
[in]directionthe extrusion direction
[in]heightthe height of the cylinder
[in]taperAngletaper angle in degree
[in]surfacicif the extrusion is surfacic

◆ CreateMultiExtrusion()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateMultiExtrusion ( Array< GO2SProfile > profiles,
GO2SXYZ direction,
Number height,
Number taperAngle,
Boolean surfacic )

Create an extrusion from several profiles. The profiles are automatically ordered in pockets and Islands so that profiles inside another profile are considered as islands and will create holes

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]profilesthe profiles to extrude
[in]directionthe extrusion direction
[in]heightthe height of the cylinder
[in]taperAngletaper angle in degree
[in]surfacicif the extrusion is surfacic

◆ CreateMultiRevolution()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateMultiRevolution ( Array< GO2SProfile > profiles,
GO2SXYZ axis,
Number angle,
Boolean surfacic )

Create a revolution from several profiles. The profiles are automatically ordered in pockets and Islands so that profiles inside another profile are considered as islands and will create holes

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]profilesthe profiles for revolution
[in]axisthe revolution axis
[in]anglethe revolution angle (360 for a complete revolution)
[in]surfacicif the revolution is surfacic

◆ CreateRevolution()

template<class TShape , class TExtrusion , class TRevol , class TBool >
GO2SEnum::GO2SError T_GO2SSolid< TShape, TExtrusion, TRevol, TBool >::CreateRevolution ( GO2SProfile profile,
GO2SXYZ axis,
Number angle,
Boolean surfacic )

Create a solid revolution from a profile, an axis and an angle

GO2SError.success (0) if success, see GO2SError otherwise
[in]profilethe profile for revolution
[in]axisthe revolution axis
[in]anglethe revolution angle (360 for a complete revolution)
[in]surfacicif the revolution is surfacic