GO2cam Javascript API  6.11
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CGO2SArcArc object
 CGO2SArcCreateHelper class to create arc
 CGO2SAsciiFileClass to manage Ascii files
 CGO2SCalcUtilComputation utilities
 CGO2SChamferChamfer object
 CGO2SChamferCreateHelper class to create chamfers
 CGO2SCircleCircle object
 CGO2SCircleCreateHelper class to create circles
 CGO2SCsvFileClass that manage CSV files
 CGO2SCycleClass to manage machining cycle
 CGO2SCycleBaseBase class for machining cycle and techno functions
 CGO2SDialogUtilHelper containing utility methods for dialog
 CGO2SEdgeClass representing a single edge of a solid geometry
 CGO2SEllipseEllipse object
 CGO2SEllipseCreateHelper class to create ellipse
 CGO2SEnumBase class for enums
 CGO2SExcelFileClass to manage excel files
 CGO2SFaceClass representing a single face of a solid geometry
 CGO2SFileBase class for managing files
 CGO2SFileUtilClass of utilitary methods for files
 CGO2SFilletFillet objet
 CGO2SFilletCreateHelper class to create fillet
 CGO2SGeometryBase class for all kind of geometry (solid or wireframe)
 CGO2SGeometryUtilClass for utilitary methods of geometric entities
 CGO2SHelixHelix object
 CGO2SHelixCreateHelper class to create helix
 CGO2SHoleHole object
 CGO2SHoleCreateHelper class to create hole
 CGO2SIniFileClass for managing ini files
 CGO2SInteractClass to manage interactivity with GO2cam
 CGO2SInterfaceUtilImport management class
 CGO2SIntersectIntersections computation
 CGO2SLineLine object
 CGO2SLineCreateHelper class to create lines
 CGO2SMachineClass to manage machining machine
 CGO2SMachiningBase class for all machining object
 CGO2SMachiningUtilClass of machining utility methodes
 CGO2SMatrixClass for the 4x4 matrix
 CGO2SMeshClass managing mesh geometry
 CGO2SMeshCreateHelper class to create Mesh
 CGO2SMultipleGeometryIntermediate class for all multiple wire geometry (rectangle, profile...)
 CGO2SNurbsNurbs object
 CGO2SNurbsCreateHelper class to create nurbs
 CGO2SOblongOblong object
 CGO2SOblongCreateHelper class to create oblong
 CGO2SOffsetCurveOffset curve object
 CGO2SOffsetCurveCreateHelper class to create OffsetCurve
 CGO2SOpelistClass for opelist management
 CGO2SOpelistUtilClass to manage operations on opelist
 CGO2SPlanePlane shape management
 CGO2SPlaneCreateHelper class to manage Plane creation
 CGO2SPointPoint object
 CGO2SPointCreateHelper to create points
 CGO2SPolygonPolygon object
 CGO2SPolygonCreateHelper class to create polygons
 CGO2SPolylinePolyline object
 CGO2SPolylineCreateHelper class to create polyline
 CGO2SProfileProfile object
 CGO2SProfileCreateHelper class to create profiles
 CGO2SRectangleRectangle object
 CGO2SRectangleCreateHelper class to create rectangle
 CGO2SReferenceCreation of a geometry reference
 CGO2SSegmentSegment object
 CGO2SSegmentCreateHelper class to create segment
 CGO2SSimpleGeometryIntermediate class for simple wire geometry (segment, arc, circle line, nurbs...)
 CGO2SSolidClass managing solid (BRep) geometry
 CGO2SSolidCreateHelper class to create solid
 CGO2SSolidGeometryIntermediate class for solid geometry
 CGO2SStockStock object
 CGO2SStockCreateHelper class to manage stock
 CGO2STechnoFuncClass to manage techno functions / sub program call
 CGO2STechnoFuncCreateHelper class to create techno function cycle
 CGO2STextText object
 CGO2SToolClass to manage machining tool
 CGO2SUtilClass of utility functions
 CGO2SWireFeatureWire Feature management
 CGO2SWireGeometryIntermediate class for all wire geometry
 CGO2SXmlFileClass to manage XML files
 CGO2SXYZCreation of a coordinate reference
 CT_GO2SSolidTemplate class for Solid and mesh geometry