Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- GenerateName() : GO2SUtil
- GenerateTmpFile() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetAdjacentEntities() : GO2SChamfer, GO2SFillet
- GetAll() : GO2SGeometryUtil, GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetAllCycles() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetAllFCTechno() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetAllKeys() : GO2SIniFile
- GetAngle() : GO2SArc, GO2SLine
- GetApplicationDirectory() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetApplicationFullPath() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetArcs() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetBoundingBox() : GO2SGeometry
- GetByColor() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetByName() : GO2SGeometryUtil, GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetByNameLike() : GO2SGeometryUtil, GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetCenter() : GO2SFace
- GetCenterPoint() : GO2SSimpleGeometry
- GetChamfers() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetChildGroups() : GO2SIniFile
- GetChildKeys() : GO2SIniFile
- GetCircles() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetColor() : GO2SGeometry
- GetColumnCount() : GO2SDialogUtil, GO2SExcelFile
- GetComatrix() : GO2SMatrix
- GetComboData() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetComboIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetComboText() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetCreationDate() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetCurrentColumnIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetCurrentContext() : GO2SInteract
- GetCurrentGroup() : GO2SIniFile
- GetCurrentRowIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetCurrentSheet() : GO2SExcelFile
- GetCurrentWorkingDirectory() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetCycleCount() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetDirectionOnCurve() : GO2SSimpleGeometry
- GetDirectoryName() : GO2SOpelist
- GetDouble() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetEdgeCount() : GO2SPolygon
- GetEdges() : GO2SFace, GO2SSolid
- GetEditableParams() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SMachining
- GetElementCount() : GO2SMultipleGeometry
- GetExistingMachine() : GO2SMachine
- GetExistingStock() : GO2SStock
- GetFaces() : GO2SSolid
- GetFeatureData() : GO2SWireFeature
- GetFeatureParams() : GO2SOpelist
- GetFieldCount() : GO2SCsvFile
- GetFileList() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetFileListName() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetFileName() : GO2SOpelist
- GetFilePath() : GO2SFile
- GetFileSize() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetFillets() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetFirstPoint() : GO2SEdge, GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetFolder() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetFunctionList() : GO2STechnoFunc
- GetGeometry() : GO2SReference
- GetInt() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetIntersectionCount() : GO2SIntersect
- GetIntersections() : GO2SIntersect
- GetLabels() : GO2SCsvFile
- GetLast() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetLastPoint() : GO2SEdge, GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetLayer() : GO2SGeometry
- GetLength() : GO2SEdge, GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetLineCount() : GO2SAsciiFile
- GetLines() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetLineType() : GO2SGeometry
- GetLineWidth() : GO2SGeometry
- GetMidPoint() : GO2SSimpleGeometry
- GetModificationDate() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetName() : GO2SCycleBase, GO2SGeometry, GO2SMachine, GO2SPlane, GO2STool
- GetNormal() : GO2SFace
- GetNormalOnCurve() : GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetNumber() : GO2SPlane
- GetOpeListFolder() : GO2SWireFeature
- GetOpeListName() : GO2SWireFeature
- GetParallelDistance() : GO2SLine
- GetParam() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SMachining, GO2STool
- GetParent() : GO2SGeometry
- GetPlane() : GO2SGeometry
- GetPoints() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetPosition() : GO2SGeometry
- GetPositionOnCurve() : GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetPrefixFileListName() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetProcessCount() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetProfiles() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetProjPoint() : GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetRadius() : GO2SArc, GO2SCircle, GO2SFillet, GO2SHelix
- GetRecordCount() : GO2SCsvFile
- GetRectangles() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetRowCount() : GO2SDialogUtil, GO2SExcelFile
- GetSegments() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetSelected() : GO2SGeometryUtil, GO2SMachiningUtil
- GetSelectedColumn() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetSelectedRow() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetSolids() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetStackedWidgetIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetStartAngle() : GO2SArc
- GetStepNumber() : GO2SHelix
- GetStepSize() : GO2SHelix
- GetSurface() : GO2SFace, GO2SSolidGeometry
- GetSystemTempPath() : GO2SFileUtil
- GetT() : GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetTabIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableColumn() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableColumnByName() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableRow() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableRowByName() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableValue() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTableValues() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTabName() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTangentOnCurve() : GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- GetText() : GO2SDialogUtil
- GetTool() : GO2SCycle
- GetUsedColor() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetUsedLayer() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetUsedPlane() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- GetUserParams() : GO2SOpelist
- GetValue() : GO2SIniFile
- GetVolume() : GO2SSolidGeometry
- GO2SAnchor : GO2SEnum
- GO2SArc() : GO2SArc
- GO2SAsciiFile() : GO2SAsciiFile
- GO2SAxis : GO2SEnum
- GO2SChamfer() : GO2SChamfer
- GO2SCircle() : GO2SCircle
- GO2SContext : GO2SEnum
- GO2SCsvFile() : GO2SCsvFile
- GO2SCurve : GO2SEnum
- GO2SDockPosition : GO2SEnum
- GO2SEllipse() : GO2SEllipse
- GO2SError : GO2SEnum
- GO2SExcelFile() : GO2SExcelFile
- GO2SFileOpen : GO2SEnum
- GO2SFillet() : GO2SFillet
- GO2SHelix() : GO2SHelix
- GO2SHole() : GO2SHole
- GO2SIniFile() : GO2SIniFile
- GO2SIntersect() : GO2SIntersect
- GO2SLine() : GO2SLine
- GO2SMachine() : GO2SMachine
- GO2SMachiningType : GO2SEnum
- GO2SMatrix() : GO2SMatrix
- GO2SMessageType : GO2SEnum
- GO2SNurbs() : GO2SNurbs
- GO2SOblong() : GO2SOblong
- GO2SOffsetCurve() : GO2SOffsetCurve
- GO2SOffsetLink : GO2SEnum
- GO2SOffsetSide : GO2SEnum
- GO2SOpelist() : GO2SOpelist
- GO2SParam : GO2SEnum
- GO2SPlane() : GO2SPlane
- GO2SPoint() : GO2SPoint
- GO2SPolygon() : GO2SPolygon
- GO2SPolyline() : GO2SPolyline
- GO2SProfile() : GO2SProfile
- GO2SRectangle() : GO2SRectangle
- GO2SSegment() : GO2SSegment
- GO2SSilhouetteType : GO2SEnum
- GO2SStock() : GO2SStock
- GO2STechnoFunc() : GO2STechnoFunc
- GO2SText() : GO2SText
- GO2STool() : GO2STool
- GO2SWay : GO2SEnum
- GO2SWireFeature() : GO2SWireFeature
- GO2SXmlFile() : GO2SXmlFile
- GoToChild() : GO2SXmlFile
- GoToParent() : GO2SXmlFile
- GoToRoot() : GO2SXmlFile
- GoToSibling() : GO2SXmlFile