Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- Save() : GO2SExcelFile, GO2SFile
- Scale() : GO2SXYZ
- Scaled() : GO2SXYZ
- SetAnchor() : GO2SText
- SetAngle() : GO2SText
- SetArrayIndex() : GO2SIniFile
- SetBatch() : GO2SCycleBase
- SetBatchCycle() : GO2SMachiningUtil
- SetBold() : GO2SText
- SetCCW() : GO2SHelix
- SetCellReadOnly() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetChecked() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetColor() : GO2SGeometry
- SetColumnCount() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetColumnWidth() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetComboIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetComboText() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetConcentricByOffset() : GO2SCircle
- SetConcentricByPoint() : GO2SCircle
- SetCurrentContext() : GO2SInteract
- SetCurrentSheet() : GO2SExcelFile
- SetCurrentWorkingDirectory() : GO2SFileUtil
- SetDouble() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetEdgeCount() : GO2SPolygon
- SetEnabled() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetFilled() : GO2SText
- SetFocus() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetFrom2Geom() : GO2SProfile
- SetFrom2Points() : GO2SCircle, GO2SHelix, GO2SLine, GO2SPolygon, GO2SRectangle, GO2SSegment
- SetFrom2Segments() : GO2SChamfer, GO2SFillet
- SetFrom2Segments2Distances() : GO2SChamfer
- SetFrom2SegmentsDistanceAngle() : GO2SChamfer
- SetFrom3Points() : GO2SArc, GO2SEllipse, GO2SPlane
- SetFromAngle() : GO2SLine, GO2SPlane
- SetFromAngles() : GO2SArc
- SetFromCenter() : GO2SOblong, GO2SRectangle
- SetFromCenterStartEnd() : GO2SArc
- SetFromCoordinates() : GO2SPoint
- SetFromDirAndLength() : GO2SSegment
- SetFromMatrix() : GO2SPlane
- SetFromMultiGeom() : GO2SProfile
- SetFromParameters() : GO2SOffsetCurve
- SetFromPoints() : GO2SNurbs, GO2SOblong, GO2SPolyline
- SetFromPointsWClose() : GO2SNurbs
- SetFromPointsWTangency() : GO2SNurbs
- SetFromRadius() : GO2SCircle
- SetFromReference() : GO2SPoint
- SetHeight() : GO2SText
- SetHorSpacing() : GO2SText
- SetIconButton() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetInscribed() : GO2SPolygon
- SetInt() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetItalic() : GO2SText
- SetLabelPixmap() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetLayer() : GO2SGeometry
- SetLayerName() : GO2SInteract
- SetLineType() : GO2SGeometry
- SetLineWidth() : GO2SGeometry
- SetMiddle() : GO2SPoint
- SetMirror() : GO2SText
- SetName() : GO2SCycleBase, GO2SGeometry, GO2SPlane
- SetNodeAttribute() : GO2SXmlFile
- SetNodeValue() : GO2SXmlFile
- SetOpeListFolder() : GO2SWireFeature
- SetOpeListName() : GO2SWireFeature
- SetOrigin() : GO2SMatrix
- SetParallelByDistance() : GO2SLine
- SetParallelByPoint() : GO2SLine
- SetParam() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SMachining, GO2STool
- SetParamRunningOpeList() : GO2SOpelistUtil
- SetPerpendicularTo() : GO2SLine, GO2SSegment
- SetPlane() : GO2SGeometry
- SetPolarPosition() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SXYZ
- SetPolarRelativeTo() : GO2SXYZ
- SetPolice() : GO2SText
- SetPosition() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SText, GO2SXYZ
- SetRelativeTo() : GO2SXYZ
- SetRowCount() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetSelect() : GO2SCycleBase
- SetSimpleCounterBoredHole() : GO2SHole
- SetSimpleSmoothHole() : GO2SHole
- SetSimpleSmoothHoleFlatEnd() : GO2SHole
- SetSimpleTappedHole() : GO2SHole
- SetStackedWidgetIndex() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetStepNumber() : GO2SHelix
- SetStepSize() : GO2SHelix
- SetTableColumnNames() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetTableRowNames() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetTableValue() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetText() : GO2SDialogUtil, GO2SText
- SetTextButton() : GO2SDialogUtil
- SetUsedColor() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- SetUsedLayer() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- SetUsedPlane() : GO2SGeometryUtil
- SetUserParam() : GO2SOpelist
- SetValue() : GO2SIniFile
- SetVerSpacing() : GO2SText
- SetVisible() : GO2SDialogUtil, GO2SGeometry
- SetXaxis() : GO2SMatrix
- SetYaxis() : GO2SMatrix
- SetZaxis() : GO2SMatrix
- SimpleCounterBoredHole() : GO2SHoleCreate
- SimpleSmoothHole() : GO2SHoleCreate
- SimpleSmoothHoleFlatEnd() : GO2SHoleCreate
- SimpleTappedHole() : GO2SHoleCreate
- SpgCall() : GO2STechnoFuncCreate
- SpgTags() : GO2STechnoFuncCreate
- Sphere() : GO2SSolidCreate
- StartSelection() : GO2SInteract
- StartTag() : GO2STechnoFuncCreate
- Subtract() : GO2SMesh, GO2SSolid, GO2SXYZ
- Subtracted() : GO2SXYZ
- SubtractHole() : GO2SSolid