End-user License Agreement


GO2Cam International, a France Simplified Joint Stock (SAS) company, with its principal office located at 139 Rue Vendôme 69006 Lyon - France (“GO2”), registered under the SIRET n°515 227 312 00011 of the trade and company register of Lyon, France is the editor of the website www.go2transfer.net. This site offers services for sercure file transfer.

Please read these Terms and Conditions (this “Agreement”) carefully. By using and/or paying for the services of the platform, you, as an individual or on behalf of an entity (hereinafter referred to as “you”), accept the following terms. You agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you use the Services (as such term is defined herein) on behalf of your employer, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to enter into legally binding contracts on behalf of your employer. If you and/or your employer do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, or if you are not authorized to enter into legally binding contracts on behalf of your employer, you must not use the Services or make any payment.

The present Agreement may be periodically updated and the current version can be accessed at www.go2transfer.net

Article 1. Definitions

In the present General Conditions of go2transfer platform hosted on the www.go2transfer.net, the terms used hereinafter have the following meanings:

  • Effective date means the date when you register to the Services.
  • Services means file transfer services targeting highest level of security and confidentiality available on go2transfer platform. The Services allow the SENDER to send file(s) to RECIPIENT(s) and to keep a log of activity. Services can be free of charge or on subscription basis.
  • Subscription means a subscription by the CLIENT to go2transfer platform.
  • Client means the user or company using the services of the platform.
  • User means the physical person who will create an account and provide username, email address, and any other required information as well as a Password to autentify.
  • Account means the digital identity that has been created and authorized to use the Services.
  • Subscription Period means the period from Effective date until this Agreement and the use of the platform services is terminated. The Client has to pay Subscription Fees to be allowed to use the services. Special plans may grant free accesses.
  • Platform means the website from which the services and information are accessible.
  • Terms of use mean the contractual conditions made available on the homepage of the SITE, which provide a framework for its use by any USER.

Article 2. Grant

  1. You are granted a licence, non exclusive, non transferable and revocable licences to use the Services of the platform as from the effective date.
  2. GO2 shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure the right operations fo the Services. It might happen that the services would not be accessible and GO2 will not be responsible for any damage.
  3. GO2 does not guarantee that:
    1. The service will be available in your jurisdiction.
    2. The service will be uninterrupted.
    3. The service will be error free.
    4. That any existing function will be supported continuously.
  4. You are responsible of all data transferred through the services. You agree that you will not transfer content that:
    1. Contain illicit materials (unlawful, blasphemous, defamatory, linked to terrorism, obscene or any similar kind.
    2. Breach any intellectual property, privacy or similar legal rights.
  5. You agree not to reproduce, create derivative services, decompile or disassemble the services, and will not do any actions to interfere or damage the Services.
  6. GO2 can without providing any notice or reason immediately suspend the Services and terminate the Agreement.
  7. GO2 retains the right to modify, terminate, or enhance its Services periodically. It also reserves the discretion to restrict access to or remove specific features or functions of the Services.
  8. You acknowledge that you are older than 16 years old which is the minimal age to use the Services.

Article 3. Proprietary Rights

  1. GO2 has sole and exclusive ownership of all right, title, logos of the platform.
  2. You are responsible of your data (files, images, videos, text or any work) that you upload on the platform. We recommend that you keep a copy of your data as GO2 do not guarantee the service and is not liable in case of loss of your data.
  3. Login information. You set up your password and login details. This information is confidential to you and you hereby agree that you will not share this information with third parties. In any case GO2 is not responsible for any misuse, loss or alteration of you login information.

Article 4. Subscription fee

  1. According to the subscription fee set up by GO2, you agree that you will pay this Fee which is non-refundable fee.
  2. GO2 shall issue electronic invoices accordingly.
  3. The Subscription Fee is exclusive of any tax applicable to you and if applicable, the taxes should by payable by you.
  4. In case the subscription fee is not paid, then access to the service will be denied.

Article 5. Term and Termination

  1. This Agreement starts on Effective Date and shall continue during the subscription period.
  2. You can terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) day written notice (admin@go2transfer.net). All the data related to your Account shall be deleted and not accessible in the future.
  3. The Agreement can be terminated by GO2 without notice in case of suspicion of misuse of the platform.

Article 6. Warranty and Liability

  1. The services are provided as is. GO2 is not responsible and not liable of any damage, loss of business, loss of profits, or any costs caused by any mis function of the services of the platform.
  2. You agree to protect, indemnify, and absolve GO2 (including its employees and affiliates) from any claims, incidents, liabilities, legal actions, damages, losses, and costs (including legal and accounting fees). These may arise due to your use of the Services or any violation of these Terms. This includes claims by third parties that any Content you create, use, store, or share using the Services, through your account, infringes or violates their rights.

Article 7. Warranty and Liability

  1. These Terms, along with any non-contractual responsibilities linked to them, will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law, incorporating essential consumer protection laws. Your consumer rights under your country of residence's mandatory laws will not be curtailed by these Terms.
  2. Any conflicts concerning these Terms will be exclusively resolved by the competent court in France.