Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- ImportCAD() : GO2SInterfaceUtil
- ImportJS() : GO2SUtil
- ImportLayer() : GO2SInterfaceUtil
- ImportPCE() : GO2SInterfaceUtil
- Intersection() : GO2SMesh, GO2SSolid
- Invert() : GO2SMatrix
- Inverted() : GO2SMatrix
- IsAbsolute() : GO2SFileUtil
- IsBatch() : GO2SCycleBase
- IsBinary() : GO2SFileUtil
- IsCCW() : GO2SArc, GO2SHelix
- IsChecked() : GO2SDialogUtil
- IsCircular() : GO2SEdge, GO2SGeometry
- IsClose() : GO2SEdge, GO2SMultipleGeometry, GO2SSimpleGeometry, GO2SWireGeometry
- IsConical() : GO2SFace
- IsCylindrical() : GO2SFace
- IsDirectory() : GO2SFileUtil
- IsEnabled() : GO2SDialogUtil
- IsError() : GO2SCycleBase
- IsHidden() : GO2SCycleBase
- IsIdentity() : GO2SMatrix
- IsInscribed() : GO2SPolygon
- IsInvertible() : GO2SMatrix
- IsLinear() : GO2SEdge, GO2SGeometry
- IsLoaded() : GO2SMachine, GO2SOpelist
- IsOnEdge() : GO2SReference
- IsOnFace() : GO2SReference
- IsOnGeometry() : GO2SReference
- IsOpen() : GO2SExcelFile, GO2SFile
- IsParamEditable() : GO2SGeometry, GO2SMachining
- IsPlanar() : GO2SFace
- IsPoint() : GO2SGeometry
- IsPolar() : GO2SXYZ
- IsPositionEditable() : GO2SGeometry
- IsReadable() : GO2SFileUtil
- IsSelect() : GO2SCycleBase
- IsSingular() : GO2SMatrix
- IsSolid() : GO2SGeometry
- IsSpherical() : GO2SFace
- IsTorus() : GO2SFace
- IsValid() : GO2SGeometry
- IsVisible() : GO2SDialogUtil, GO2SGeometry
- IsWireframe() : GO2SGeometry
- IsWritable() : GO2SFileUtil