GO2cam Javascript API  6.11


class  GO2SCycle
 Class to manage machining cycle. More...
class  GO2SCycleBase
 Base class for machining cycle and techno functions. More...
class  GO2SMachine
 Class to manage machining machine. More...
class  GO2SMachining
 Base class for all machining object. More...
class  GO2SMachiningUtil
 Class of machining utility methodes. More...
class  GO2SOpelist
 Class for opelist management. More...
class  GO2SOpelistUtil
 Class to manage operations on opelist. More...
class  GO2SStock
 Stock object. More...
class  GO2SStockCreate
 Helper class to manage stock. More...
class  GO2STechnoFunc
 Class to manage techno functions / sub program call. More...
class  GO2STechnoFuncCreate
 Helper class to create techno function cycle. More...
class  GO2STool
 Class to manage machining tool. More...

Detailed Description

Available objects for machining operations